Star Formation Arkenstone A subgrid model for hot and cool galactic winds PRFM A subgrid model for star formation and effective equation of state Black Holes Arkenstone-jet A BH jet model using the Arkenstone-hot technique AGN Jet impact in the ISM A project to explore the outcome of the interaction of SMBH jets and the ISM Mistral A BH feedback model exploring mechanical feedback BH dynamical friction An improved estimate for dynamical friction of BH BH seeding A subgrid model for BH seeding Cosmology MilleniumTNG WL A large scale cosmological simulation - ray tracing weak lensing Multizoom ICs Multizoom Cosmological Initial Conditions Training Sets Expanded Training Sets Training sets with expanded sub-grid parameter spaces Massive Zooms CAMELS-GZ28 Zoom-in simulations of massive halos Accelerated Forward Models Power Spectrum Emulators Power Spectrum Emulators Diffusion-based galaxy emulator Diffusion-based galaxy emulator Power Spectrum Emulators Power Spectrum Emulators Power Spectrum Emulators Power Spectrum Emulators Power Spectrum Emulators Power Spectrum Emulators Synthetic Observations Synthetic CMB Mock CMB observations Synthetic Galaxies Mock Galaxy observations Explicit Inference BORG enhanced Improving data models for inference Manticore Manticore Project -- 3D Inference of Primordial Density Fields Implicit Inference Information Bottleneck Analysing degrees of freedom in complex systems LtU-ILI Implicit Inference Framework Robustness PQMass Assessing quality of generative models TARP Tests of Accuracy with Random Points